At Epcot the girls took a trip to the bathroom… more than one actually… that’s a normal occurrence… especially when you are drinking a lot in order to stay hydrated… this time, however, was a little more memorable. This time Annalise took an interest in the vending machines in the bathroom and couldn’t believe someone would pay $.50 for a napkin. “Why would someone pay good money for a napkin when they can go get a paper towel right over there for FREE!” she said. “That’s just stupid.” Annalise even got Madeline and Secily in on it too… the whole stupid thing.
So that’s why Tracy was laughing her head off when she came out of the bathroom. I guess should didn’t want to get into that whole ‘time of the month’ thing and the difference between a ‘napkin’ and a ‘sanitary napkin’. Guess Annalise just thought they were extra clean if they came out of a vending machine for $.50.
 ‘salsa’ sign at Moes
Madeline says the ‘l’ is lonely. . . I was perplexed. Tracy had to explain it to me and now I feel a little slow. . Did you get it yet?
There are two ‘a’s and two ‘s’es but only one ‘l’. So the ‘l’ is lonely. What an interesting way of thinking.
We say a lot of things without thinking about what we are saying. We say them because we’ve always said them. They made sense when we heard them so we said them and they just became a part of our normal language. It takes a kid to call our attention to it. Yesterday Annalise asked, “Why do they call it ‘hanging up’?” I wonder what else we say that makes no sense anymore.
Depending on who you talk to in our family they are either homeless, waiting to cross the corner and moving around because they are cold (and the music was from a loud car behind us), mislead and confused, or dancing and singing for money. Can you guess who said what?
Connor: waiting to cross
Annalise: homeless
Madeline: panhandling
Me: mislead
 Lander 12-30-13.
It is now official. The foundation of our house is poured, hardened, and tagged (by us – see the pic). We all were doing our right-hands automatically until Madeline (she started to put her left-hand down). Tracy and I caught it in time and made her switch. However, Tracy is now second guessing that decision because that would have just fit her… she always tries to be different.
We don’t have a good Toothfairy.
Madeline lost her tooth four weeks ago and she still hasn’t come for the tooth. About two weeks ago I told Madeline that the Toothfairy was probably afraid of the Window and that she probably needed to sleep with her head on the other side of the bed. See, her bed is a bunkbed and the bedroom is arranged in a way that it makes it really hard to get to the pillow on the top bunk if it is by the window.
But the Toothfairy evidently forgot that night and every night since even though Madeline has been sleeping with her head on the other side of the bed away from the window.
So Madeline thought of something new to try. Madeline’s pillow and her tooth is on our bed tonight. She told me not to snore and scare away the Toothfairy.
I’m betting the Toothfairy comes tonight!
In this family we visit ‘Alice Lake’ with ‘Aunt Dean’ after watching the ‘injin turtles’ or ‘sweepin booty’ and the kids look for the stray ‘titty tats’.
We ate at the Moe’s on Newberry Rd not too long ago. The routine always ends up walking around the fountain on the way back to the car. On this particular occasion the kids conned some change out of us to throw into the fountain to make wishes. After it was all said and done Tracy asked what people wished for. This was their answers:
Annalise: I want to be on Steve Irwin’s team one day!
Madeline: I want to be a horseback rider.
Secily: I want to be a princess.
Connor: I didn’t make a wish because it’s a scam.
Connor: “Annalise, you can’t say that!!! That’s a bad word!”
Wait! What! What is Annalise saying? So a quick… “Hey! Connor! Come here. What’s Annalise saying?” He comes over and refuses to say the word. Instead, he’ll spell it for us.
“S”. Ok… there it is, where’d Annalise learn Sh#*$?
“P”. Huh? What bad words start with “SP”? Spoon? Space? Spooky? Shoot… I can’t think of any words that are bad that start with “SP”.
“A”. “SPA”? This is getting wierder!
HAHAhahaha! Show’s that Connor is a product of the technology age huh… “SPAM” is a bad word… he has that one right!
We’re cleaning house. All of a sudden I realize that Madeline is just standing on the big love seat with a broom in her hand sweeping it back and forth. Not exactly sweeping tho. More like trying to use it to move the couch around. On the couch with her is a play rifle and a couple towels. I also hear her muttering, “Now that’s a BIG one!”
“Hey, Madeline, whatchya doin?”
She grabs the throw blanket from the ground, throws it onto the couch with a “Gotya!” Then she looks up and says with a big smile, “I’m playing Swamp People and I’m Liz.”
These children of mine! Never a dull moment.